Brick House Cigars
In 1937, J.C. Newman launched Brick House; a Cuban puro cigar made with the finest Havana tobaccos. Brick House was named after the brick house in Hungary where company founder Julius Caeser Newman lived as a child. The line was retired for decades. Fast forward many years later and third-generation cigar makers, Eric and Bobby Newman, have resurrected this vintage cigar brand by blending specially aged Nicaraguan tobaccos with a rare, dark, and oily Havana Subido wrapper. Aged in the mountains of Nicaragua, every Brick House cigar is a perfect melding of flawless construction, superb quality and master blend.
The brand has quickly become an overnight sensation and one of the most talked about cigars on the internet and a best seller nationwide. Awards for these exquisite cigars include the Best Bargain Cigar and a place in the Top 25 Cigars by Cigar Aficionado in addition to numerous blog and website awards.
Order a box of these fine premium cigars by phone or online today for budget prices with BuyDiscountCigars!